I wrote this for extra credit in English a couple of months ago. Mid November to be exact. It was mostly an anger rant.
You've been gone for over a month now. The hate I had for you has settled, finally. Now I am starting to see that I should have said goodbye.
I tried to talk to you a few weeks ago. It started out fine, but then you started blaming me, accusing me of causing the sorrow in your life. That's when we stopped talking again.
It turns out you are getting along decently. I'm glad. You're in a band already. I'm glad. You're in your school plays getting the parts you didn't get here. I'm happy for you. You have a new girlfriend, and you know what? I couldn't care less. I have someone too.
But yesterday. Out of nowhere, you tried talking to me. How was I supposed to react. Honestly, you told me to not speak to you until I apologized to you. Then you expect me to have an interest in the fact that you just finally met your father?
Well, I do care that you finally met him, it was something you always wanted to do. But the second I asked what caused you to talk to me again, I get no reply. It's just like you to decide to do that. To cut someone out because they know the real you.
If there was one thing I could ask you, it would be if she knows that you're bipolar. If your whole new group of friends know what a liar you are. If any of them have stood by your side during one of your meltdowns, or breakdowns, or any of that shit I went through for you.
You were my labor of love. Don't you ever forget that.
And yes, I do wish I could have said goodbye.
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