Friday, February 13, 2009

I am a nerd.

Plain and simple. I am a dork, a nerd, a dweeb. There's no denying it anymore. Star Wars, comics, I love them all.

The other day at school i was behind some kids in the lunch line. They're talking about Star Wars, Return of the Jedi (my favorite one by the by) and for some reason they keep calling the ewoks, ewous. This pisses me off like crazy, because they legit thinks that what they're called. So finally, after listening to their incorrectness for about five minutes, I simply say, "Ewoks. They're called ewoks." And with that, they just stare at me like I'm completely crazy. After 30 long seconds of awkwardness, they finally turn around and cease to talk about Star Wars again.

After I sat down, I realized what a complete nerd i actually am, and how in fact I'm completely okay with that. I love how my dad raised me on Star Wars, and superheros, and comics, and all that other great stuff. How now I have comics actually on my computer so I can read them at will. And how now i actually have a monitor that flips so I can see the whole page at once.

I'm actually almost done with the Sandman series, and it kinda break my heart, but I know as soon as I'm done, I get to start reading Death. And then I'm getting my hands on more Gaiman and be the biggest happy dork ever.

And then I'll finish reading the Watchmen.

So in conclusion, I want baby ewok with almost every ounce of me. They are the cutest and most adorable things I have ever seen.

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