Friday, February 27, 2009

I like to..

[I have no life...]

Google Game: Go to Google and type in quotation marks your real name and then "likes to" (ex. "Steven likes to").
Type in the first 15 things that come up and repost.
Google picture it and post the first picture the come up with it.

1.} Wednesday likes to brush my hair.
2.} Wednesday likes to sneak in to beds
3.} Wednesday likes to swim
4.} Wednesday likes to act like a puppy to around Georgia, but she acts like the mama around me.
5.} Wednesday likes to say her and I are co-dependent when it comes to exercise.
6.} Wednesday likes to do my make-up.
7.} Wednesday likes to lick his friends and thinks he is a puppy
8.} Wednesday, likes to keep busy
9.} Wednesday, likes to be called
10.} Wednesday likes to play them very loud when she's angry or upset
11.} Wednesday likes to eat stu-pid people.
12.} Wednesday likes to climb under the covers at night and curl up next to me and purr her head off.
13.} Wednesday likes to stay in character but I catch her out sometimes as she does me.
14.} Wednesday likes to sit on things
15.} Wednesday likes to run around with a pale face in black clothes ... so VERY 80s ...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I agree..

Today, has been a year since Peter Pan.
I laughed, A LOT.

And this website gives me a tiny bit of hope, and makes me giggle:
"Today, My girlfriend came from behind me and put her hand in my back pockets. I though it was someone trying to take my wallet, I elbowed her in the nose and broke it. FML"
That is so something I would end up doing...

I no longer can get to sleep before 2 am.


I've gotten a good amount of hugs today. It's nice.

I had another blow up today. I really need to get my anger problems together. I still have a huge headache.

I haven't really kissed anyone in over a month.

I've been playing Animal Crossing on my DS for the past 2 hours.
Damn Savannah got a freaking 88.2 in tuna during the fishing tourney.
I'm going to go shake some trees.

ps. Antarctica aint shit.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I love Sunday's.

I'm going to post my Favorite every Sunday.

I love PostSecret.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I like pancakes..

And ice cream cake.
And Godzilla.


I get money.

I'm babysitting again tonight.
woot woot.

And I'm pretty sure my Swede is coming home impure..

And Sam gets way to into video games.
It's so funny.

Friday, February 20, 2009

I have a lot of stuff going on.

I have a lot on my mind.

My brother is a freak. And I hate how he gets angry and jumpy and scratchy. I have so many scars from him. And yesterday when Patsy was here I barely got to hang out with her because of him. Pisses me off.

I love Patrice. And the fact that we no longer notice when were naked around each other. She's the love of my life and we're going to have babies together maybe if we can.

I really really wish you didn't move. Even though we wouldn't be dating, I really miss having you around as a friend. You really were one of my bests.

I really need to make out with someone.

If I had the chance to date you again, I probably would take it. I have come to realize that I really did love you and I'm sorry that I got stupid, and I hate my problems for blocking you out.

I have no life.

I never really did love you. And I'm happy that I never said it. I rushed into things with you because I thought it would help me get over him. But it didn't. Sorry.

Peanut butter, nutella, banana sandwiches are so good.

Mental problems suck ass, and my mom is insisting I have ADD or something. So now I have to get tested. And I have another Doctor Bob appointment on Wednesday.

I really want to watch star wars.

Let's make out.

I really need to get my grades up or I'm going to fail life.

I like my hair short. An red.

I really wish I was better at the ukulele.

And I guess I'm playing with Ray at an open mic tonight. Let's hope we don't suck.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I miss you.

Quite a lot.
You've been gone for way to long.
And I'm sorry.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I suck.

I hate panic.

I hate depression.

I hate freaking out.

I hate this sickness.

Fuck my life.

Friday, February 13, 2009

I am a nerd.

Plain and simple. I am a dork, a nerd, a dweeb. There's no denying it anymore. Star Wars, comics, I love them all.

The other day at school i was behind some kids in the lunch line. They're talking about Star Wars, Return of the Jedi (my favorite one by the by) and for some reason they keep calling the ewoks, ewous. This pisses me off like crazy, because they legit thinks that what they're called. So finally, after listening to their incorrectness for about five minutes, I simply say, "Ewoks. They're called ewoks." And with that, they just stare at me like I'm completely crazy. After 30 long seconds of awkwardness, they finally turn around and cease to talk about Star Wars again.

After I sat down, I realized what a complete nerd i actually am, and how in fact I'm completely okay with that. I love how my dad raised me on Star Wars, and superheros, and comics, and all that other great stuff. How now I have comics actually on my computer so I can read them at will. And how now i actually have a monitor that flips so I can see the whole page at once.

I'm actually almost done with the Sandman series, and it kinda break my heart, but I know as soon as I'm done, I get to start reading Death. And then I'm getting my hands on more Gaiman and be the biggest happy dork ever.

And then I'll finish reading the Watchmen.

So in conclusion, I want baby ewok with almost every ounce of me. They are the cutest and most adorable things I have ever seen.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I love my Brother.

I wandered into his room last night...

He's pretty.

I really love him.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Extra Credit.

I wrote this for extra credit in English a couple of months ago. Mid November to be exact. It was mostly an anger rant.

You've been gone for over a month now. The hate I had for you has settled, finally. Now I am starting to see that I should have said goodbye.
I tried to talk to you a few weeks ago. It started out fine, but then you started blaming me, accusing me of causing the sorrow in your life. That's when we stopped talking again.
It turns out you are getting along decently. I'm glad. You're in a band already. I'm glad. You're in your school plays getting the parts you didn't get here. I'm happy for you. You have a new girlfriend, and you know what? I couldn't care less. I have someone too.
But yesterday. Out of nowhere, you tried talking to me. How was I supposed to react. Honestly, you told me to not speak to you until I apologized to you. Then you expect me to have an interest in the fact that you just finally met your father?
Well, I do care that you finally met him, it was something you always wanted to do. But the second I asked what caused you to talk to me again, I get no reply. It's just like you to decide to do that. To cut someone out because they know the real you.
If there was one thing I could ask you, it would be if she knows that you're bipolar. If your whole new group of friends know what a liar you are. If any of them have stood by your side during one of your meltdowns, or breakdowns, or any of that shit I went through for you.
You were my labor of love. Don't you ever forget that.
And yes, I do wish I could have said goodbye.

I really don't like this.

School sucks.

I just failed chemistry miserably. I did crappy in English, the only class i ever do good in. I'm barely average in world history. I'm pretty sure my GPA is around a 70 this marking period and my parents are going to flip a bitch.

All I can do is listen to music and sit and do nothing. And drink orange with massive amounts of ice.
